Copyright 2013. Elkins Park Presbyterian Church. All rights reserved.

​Elkins Park Presbyterian Church
234 Cedar Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027 US
​Phone: 215-887-2544

Join us for worship, mission, study, and fellowship!

Join us every Sunday to hear the Good News!

We are an evangelical congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Elkins Park Presbyterian Church


We support several local, national and international endeavors with our donations, volunteer hours, and prayers, in order to share the Gospel of Christ with all people to the ends of the earth. Our members sponsor several students in India where we have a strong relationship with Carmel Ministries.


Fellowship and study centered on God's Word to us occurs in many ways at EPPC.  Our Sunday morning Adult Bible Study is now available as weekly video installments. The Bible Study will not meet on November 24th, 2024 but will resume on December 1st, 2024 for an Advent study. Our Tuesday Bible Study will not meet in December of 2024 but will resume in January of 2025. It meets the first Tuesday of the month at 10:15 am. We also offer special seasonal programming for the entire community. 

Sunday Worship

Worship is held in-person in the sanctuary,
every Sunday at 10:30 am.

 Join us for a time of praise, prayer, and proclamation of the Word of God in a blended style open to worshippers of all ages and backgrounds. Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of the month.Recordings of the worship will be posted later the same day and can be found on the Media tab of this page as well as our Facebook page or YouTube Channel.
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The Pastors who will be leading our upcoming worship services:
March 30 - Rev Bruce MacCullough, 
April 6 - Rev Rob Erickson
April 13 - Rev Aaron Bass
April 17 - Rev Martha Bowman - 7:30 service
April 20 - Rev Martha Bowman
April 27 - Rev Christie Bruce

Through faith, we Equip all People to Proclaim Christ.

Christian Education

Sunday school is held at 10:45 am as needed, whenever there is a child or children in worship (except during July and August).

Coloring books, worship leaflets, and crayons are available from the greeters. If you would like to volunteer to teach occasionally please contact Pastor Cynthia or Karen Sheehan.